Video watched more than text read!

In a survey of Techsmith users, there was an overwhelming preference to watch videos of instructional training than to read text or listen to audio.
As we have watched so much television in our life, our brains get used to consuming content from videos. Youtube is the best-known and used search engine for instructional how-to videos. Want to know how to unplug a toilet then do a search on Youtube.
Want to succeed on Youtube? Then according to the Techsmith survey you should have clear titles, good description and compelling thumbnails with lots of the words that people search for in the content.
What length should you make your videos? According to respondents in the survey, videos should be between 5 - 19 minutes long. Your video should instruct only for as long as needed. People are willing to consume a longer video only if the content is compelling and worthy of their time.
So what are your plans for video in 2023? Are you warming up your screencast software to create instructional videos? Are you getting your webcam into position to create on-camera videos for your fans?
For more on setting up a studio you can get the free book "7 Steps to producing your own show" at